This Fleet has 12 Cars


We have the best news. After a long, hard winter, spring has arrived. With it comes expansion season! In the past week we’ve added 3 new Honda Fits to the mix. THIS FLEET HAS 12 CARS. Our goal is to form a strong network of cars that are never placed more than a 10 minute walk apart.

This is what that looks like (it’s happening):


We have added 3 new locations to help fill in the network:

1. Nassau/McMillan — Nassau Street Church

Looking out onto McMillan
Looking out onto McMillan

2. South Osborne — Lord Roberts Community Centre

Lord Roberts CC
Lord Roberts CC

3. Donald/St. Mary — Downtown

Facing out to St. Mary

This is only the beginning of this year’s expansion. We are fast approaching 300 members and we are just over a month from our 3rd anniversary.

All we need now is more sunshine.
