A Carshare Kind of a Day


Saturday, and it looked like the summer weather was making a return, a couple of us decided to take out a car for the day. We thought we’d document it to show how much you can get done with a carshare car in one day:

First up, Birds Hill Park.

Birds Hill Park

The forecast was for heat and sun, so we wanted to head to the beach. But first we wanted to take a walk through the woods. We headed over to Chickadee trail.

Chickadee trail

It was a beautiful day for a walk, but as the haze and the wind rolled in, we decided to skip the beach. There was so much more we could get done with the day. We decided to head across town to St. Norbert to check on my honey bee friends.

But first we stopped for ice cream (of course). Yum!

Then we head to the farm to get a little work done and check in on our friends.

Photo 4
Photo 5

Seeing as everyone was ok, we decided to stop in to Ikea on the way back home!

Photo 6

And with a new Poang chair for the living room, we headed back home to return the car.

All in all, a pretty great day. We covered a lot of ground. How much did it cost?

Under the Member+ plan:

108kms x $0.25 = $27

7hrs x $2 + $14

Total = $41