Peg City Fast Facts: Save more


Learn how to save more when you carshare with Peg City Car Co-op.

Friends talking near Peg City Car Co-op vehicle

Owning vs carsharing

According to the Canadian Automobile Association’s Annual Driving Costs Report, the average cost of owning and operating a vehicle in Canada is $8,000 each year. To calculate the costs of owning your vehicle, use CAA’s driving cost calculator:

On average, our members spend about $1,200 a year on carsharing.

All usage rates cover gas, insurance, parking and maintenance. We worry about winter tires and inevitable repairs or replacements.

Walk. Bike. Bus.

The majority of Peg City members use carsharing in place of owning a car. Living a car-free lifestyle often means walking, biking, and busing to limit vehicle use and save money. 

As more people shift to active and alternate transportation methods, fewer cars are needed. This study found that carsharing can take 9 to 13 vehicles off the road for each carsharing vehicle in the fleet.

walk bike bus
Peg City Car Co-op Van with family

The right fit: memberships

We offer a variety of Membership options for individuals and businesses alike. Ensuring you have the right membership for your driving needs can make a big difference on your monthly invoice!

Pro tip: if you are a Member and you think you will make over 15 hrs in bookings throughout the month, you can save money by switching to Member+ to take advantage of our lowest hourly rates!

If you are a shareholding member, you can switch between the Member and Member Plus plans each month to ensure you are on the plan that fits your carsharing needs.

Member perks

Our co-op members can access perks like the ambassador program, our Shop Local driving credit stamp cards, roaming agreements, and other perks to save money! Check out our partners and perks

loading plants into a Peg City Truck
Free overnight hours

Free overnight hours

Shareholding members have access to free overnight hours between midnight and 7 am! Night owls and early birds alike, rejoice!