Meet Our Partners: Café Postal and Fools & Horses Coffee


Isn’t summer fantastic in Winnipeg? We can finally take advantage of the abundant farmer’s markets, festivals, concerts, outdoor patios and so much more that our city has to offer!

While you’re enjoying the city this summer, don’t forget to check out our new shop local partners: Fools & Horses Coffee and Café Postal! Their staff are excited to stamp your shop local cards and you should be excited to drink great coffee AND earn driving credit. Get more details about our Shop Local Program and partners here.

We’re really excited about our expansion into St. Boniface this past spring so we’re going to be spending some quality time in the neighbourhood! Find us at the Provencher Farmer’s Market on Fridays starting July 31 this summer. You can pick up delicious, locally grown and produced goods and chat with us about carsharing in the same, convenient location!

Have a great summer!