Greening Your Holidays


Now, we know there are a bunch of benefits to joining a carshare. One of the sweetest parts is saving your money for things that really matter…like presents!  It also offers you a convenient way of shuttling all those wrapped goodies around.

However, if the consumer hype of the holidays season isn’t your thing, you can check out this informative article from the Winnipeg Free Press on how to green up your holiday shopping – featuring on of our very own board members, as well as Curt Hull, a member.

Hint- Thanks to Kristine from the Manitoba Eco-Network for suggesting a carshare membership as an excellent gift idea!

Dreaming of a green Christmas



Peg City Members featured in Smart Trips video for South Osborne


Peg City members Matthew Lawrence and the Walker family are featured in this inspiring video collection of personal journeys South Osborne residents have taken towards living car-free. As members of Peg City Car Co-op, these individuals are able to live car-free and mainly walk, bike, or bus to travel around Winnipeg.

This Smart Trips video was put together by the Sustainable South Osborne group as part of their CLER (Community-Led Emissions Reductions) project, and the stories are great examples of how traveling car-free can be a life enriching, community building, and cost effective choice.