Videos: Amanda on Utility


This is the first in our series of introductory videos on carsharing in Winnipeg. Here, real member Amanda talks about the Utility of being part of the co-op.

AMANDA on UTILITY : Peg City Car Co-op from Peg City Car Co-op on Vimeo.

Amanda does not want to own a car. She lives close to her amenities and usually rides her bike or walks to where she needs to go.

A car, however, is admittedly useful when your hobbies include large-canvas painting and baking copious volumes of delicious goodies. Attaining materials for her extra-curricular activities, and the delivery of those wonderfully refined goods are some of the examples of Amanda’s occasional use of a vehicle.

Membership in a carshare co-op allows her access to a car for all of its convenience, without the hassle of ownership. “Sorted,” as she says.

Thanks to Assiniboine Credit Union for making this possible.


18-34 Year-olds Value Access over Ownership


Hey…ever think about how there are some things you own, but only use rarely? Like your car for example (which likely sits idle for 23 hours a day)? Collaborative consumption, like carsharing, gives you all the access without all the burden of ownership (like cost).  Doesn’t it seem smarter to spread out the cost burden? It seems like more and more people are starting to think so. Zipcar has released some interesting new data about changing attitudes toward ownership that we think is real cool:

“The study, conducted in October 2011 by KRC Research, reveals that 55 percent of Millennials surveyed have actively made an effort to drive less, up 10 percentage points from 45 percent in 2010, highlighting the growing trend of consciously reducing road time.

Some of the factors that Millennials cite for driving less frequently include environmental concerns, total cost of vehicle ownership and an increased use of social media. More than half of Millennials surveyed stated “protecting the environment” as one key reason for driving less, also up 10 percentage points from 45 percent last year.  The study also reveals that more than three quarters (78 percent) of 18-34-year-old respondents who are licensed drivers say car ownership is difficult due to high costs of gas, parking and maintenance.  In contrast to other age cohorts, social media is increasingly another factor for Millennials driving less.  Sixty-eight percent of 18-34-year-olds, up 14 percentage points from 54 percent in 2010, agree that they sometimes choose to use social media rather than go out to see friends and family.”


Greening Your Holidays


Now, we know there are a bunch of benefits to joining a carshare. One of the sweetest parts is saving your money for things that really matter…like presents!  It also offers you a convenient way of shuttling all those wrapped goodies around.

However, if the consumer hype of the holidays season isn’t your thing, you can check out this informative article from the Winnipeg Free Press on how to green up your holiday shopping – featuring on of our very own board members, as well as Curt Hull, a member.

Hint- Thanks to Kristine from the Manitoba Eco-Network for suggesting a carshare membership as an excellent gift idea!

Dreaming of a green Christmas



Peg City Members featured in Smart Trips video for South Osborne


Peg City members Matthew Lawrence and the Walker family are featured in this inspiring video collection of personal journeys South Osborne residents have taken towards living car-free. As members of Peg City Car Co-op, these individuals are able to live car-free and mainly walk, bike, or bus to travel around Winnipeg.

This Smart Trips video was put together by the Sustainable South Osborne group as part of their CLER (Community-Led Emissions Reductions) project, and the stories are great examples of how traveling car-free can be a life enriching, community building, and cost effective choice.